Wednesday Nights @ 6:30pm

Classes for ages 5 - College age
We have begun a new journey learning about Creation and some very important people from the Bible. 

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another."

Hebrews 10:24-25


We Are Gathering Together…
10:00 am for Bible Classes
11:00 am for Sunday Morning Worship
7:00 pm for Ignite and Wednesday Night Bible Classes 
 801 N. Tully Road
Turlock, CA 95380
If you would like more information 
please contact our office
at 209.632.4593


Join us on Saturday,
October 19 from 4-7PM
for our annual
Fall Festival. 

About Us

We hope you enjoy visiting our site, and that you find what you’re looking for.
Here is a little information about us.
The Turlock Church of Christ is located in the Central Valley of California.
Our city is home to around 70,000 people. Turlock is a great place to live, work, play, and worship.
At the church, we are a warm, friendly group of people who are trying our best to follow Jesus Christ and reflect His love to our area of California. We love one another as part of God’s family, and we also believe that as Christians we are called to reach out to the communities where we live.
We want to answer any questions you might have, so feel free to contact us today by calling the church office at (209) 632-4593 or sending us an email.
We hope you enjoy your visit to our web site, and we look forward to meeting you in person very soon.
Thanks . . . and may God bless you!
Preaching Minister
John McCranie
John joined the Turlock Church of Christ’s ministry staff in March of 2015 as an Outreach Minister. His role was to help us be a blessing to the town of Turlock and help the unchurched of our city to know Christ and His glorious gospel. He is now the pulpit minister of the Turlock congregation and is an adult class teacher, as well. More…
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